

Healthcare & Billing Advocacy


News &
We help you take care of your parents, other loved ones and yourself.
We are a small, law office located in Southern Maine. We provide Elder Law and related services with a strong focus on Healthcare Advocacy. Our legal services consist of Elder Law, Elder Planning, Healthcare & Billing Advocacy and Veterans Benefits. We also teach classes in Healthcare Advocacy.
Our Book
We have recently published a book, Helping Our Parents: How To Be An Effective Healthcare Advocate. Healthcare Advocacy is the process of helping others navigate the medical industry. Helping Our Parents is a mix of applicable stories, research and common sense intended to facilitate discussions that we typically ignore until it’s too late.
Helping Our Parents Book
Helping Our Parents: How To Be An Effective Healthcare Advocate provides a step by step method for helping your parents as they age, suffer illness and face the end of their lives.
What We Do
When my wife, Jennie Cutten, and I opened our office in our home town of Kittery, Maine, we wanted to find a way to make the law more accessible, remove some of the formality and to make it less intimidating. We also wanted to provide a level of service and engagement that goes beyond the experience that most folks have with the legal industry. A big part of that effort is our work in the area of Healthcare Advocacy. We are doing what we set out to do.
We’ll translate the law into plain English and do so respectfully. You will understand the law as it applies to you. Once you have your questions answered, we’ll leverage our shared knowledge to help you make decisions for your family and yourself that encompass far more than a stack of paper. We will fulfill our commitments to you and, yes, we even return phone calls – promptly.
Our Legal Services - The Guy Law Difference
News & Education
As part of our effort to go beyond the traditional scope of the legal industry, we offer classes in Healthcare Advocacy and will use this are of our site to provide information related to those classes, our practice and relevant commentary.
Educational Classes
Please call the office at 207-703-0112 for more information about the classes or check the What’s going on at Guy Law section under News & Education.
Contact the office to learn more
We’re happy to meet with you. Just call the office for an appointment time at 207-703-0112 or email us directly at information@guylawllc.com.